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Showing posts from November, 2018

Healing: A Pastoro-praxis Reading

Introduction: Pastoro-praxis approach to healing is a paradigm shift in the thought process to understand, practice and promote healing in our life (faith) journey as fellow humans. This presentation is not attempting to initiate an academic discourse on the topic healing but facilitating us to look the healing spiritually, ministerially and diaconally with practical theological lenses. This presentation is aiming to de-construct the popular views of the epistemologists, post-modernists and post-foundationalists on healing rather approaching through the socio-theological constructionalism where people and contexts are at the centre in this discourse. Four Contexts: Commonly, the academic fraternity approaches the issues to be read through four contextual views namely (i) Post-modern or Liberal View, (ii) Traditional / Cultural View, (iii) Classical / Historical View and (iv) Charismatic / Fundamentalists' View. Theology of Mission Bottom Line for Mis...

Manger Politics

The Manger narration, a soft, melodious folk piece, gives an impression of an age-old historical setting in palace with king’s costumes with classical literary scenario. The genre of the manger narration was silent fusion, the rhythm was mild to put all asleep, the lyrics are to sooth the hearts to have hope for the best in their future, and that is the theology of manger. Is it a great and interesting story to the Gen Y (People born after mid 90s)? But the reality was different indeed! On the one hand, a brooding threnody of the citizens of Judea over the assassinations of their own children, and on the other, the rulers had marathon of meetings with the religious leaders and diplomats in order to subdue the unknown, newly born king for Judea. This insecure delusion of the empire has gone to the level of erasing a generation from their own land history. In this story, the mere birth of a migrant individual created a political trauma for the rulers. The land of Judea,...