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Showing posts from June, 2010

Many Species, One Plant and One Future

World Environmental Day (WED) June 05th 2010 World Environment Day (WED) which is observed on 5th of June every year, is a day that stimulates awareness of the environment, societal attention and public commitment. To the faith-oriented it also presents an opportunity to search for faith responses. The theme for this year is, Many Species: One Planet, One Future. It is estimated that 5 million to 100 million species inhabit this wonderful planet. Scientists have managed to identify only about 2 million species so far. In God’s creation human race is one in several million species that live in this planet. We do not have adequate information about the other species with which we share this earth, many of whom disappear even before they are discovered. A total of 17,291 species are known to be threatened with extinction – from little-known plants and insects to charismatic birds and mammals. Such extinctions are on account of our present approach to development, we have caused the cleari...


EDINBURGH 2010: Call to Confess and Commorate The Centenary of the World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh 1910, for many, is a suggestive moment for seeking direction for Christian mission in the 21st century. While looking forward to 2010 Centenary conference It is important to register, refer and recall the idea and proposal for the International Missionary Conference was suggested from India by the father of the Modern Mission movement. Rev. Dr. William Carry, the first Baptist missionary in Sri Rampur, West Bengal. The idea of a great international conference to discern the next steps for worldwide Christian mission is by no means the sole prerogative of the Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference . According to John R Mott, the Conference Chairman “Edinburgh 1910 is the most notable gathering in the interest of the worldwide expansion of Christianity ever held, not only in missionary annals but in all Christian annals.” Scott LaTourette’s says that “The World Missionary ...